Game day food – Nutty chicken shells

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It’s the football season.  Though I do not watch football, I like to binge and binging is a big part of booing or cheering a team.  However, does fan-friendly, sports watching food have to be unhealthy all the time? Well, they have to be bite size, crowd pleasing, quick and easy but unhealthy? Not so much.

Here’s a great healthier, bite size option for cheering fans that takes only minutes to put together.  Whether your team wins or loses, be advised, friends can go nuts over these appetizers.  These nutty, spicy, tangy chicken shells are also great appetizer option for an elegant dinner parties, showers and brunches.

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Black & White Wednesday – January 9, 2013

new bww logo big

I know, I know.  I haven’t really participated in Black and White Wednesdays(BWW) for the last two months.  In between interviewing and training a new nanny,  packing and unpacking for two trips during the holidays and a new project at work, it has been very very hectic.  The good news is I am hosting BWW next week, so get ready for some stunning photographs from some amazing bloggers.

For those who are new, Black and White Wednesday is a weekly culinary photo event featuring food-related B&W imagery. Cinzia at “Cindystar” administers the event so graciously.  Stay tuned for the “Black & White Wednesday” week #65 round-up gallery on January 9. By the way, Cinzia designed the the new logo.  Don’t you just love it?